Gabe and Sue
Gabe is a 5-year-old Golden Retriever, and has been with his owner Sue since he was 16 weeks. When I started working with him one-on-one, we immediately started working on his leash skills -- he's a puller! Sue finds this frustrating since she is a smaller woman and struggles to maintain a reasonable pace and not be tugged all over. Missing some crucial weeks of socialization, Gabe gets stressed in new surroundings easily and reacts badly on leash and when meeting new fur friends. Gabe also has issues with being groomed, resulting in some not-so-fun experiences at the groomers and some serious matting on his back legs.
The whole experience of grooming makes him anxious, and as a result he gets agitated easily. During one of our in-home sessions, I made it my goal to work on this specific issue. Sue finds it difficult to get Gabe to remain still while she brushes, and won't allow her to remove the mats from his golden locks. I got down on the floor with Gabe, petting and praising him while testing to see if he had sensitive areas that he preferred to be left alone. With this approach, Gabe relaxed completely, relishing the attention. I succeeded in removing the matted fur without struggles or any discomfort on Gabe's part, and got lots of affection along the way.
Later in the evening, Sue contactedme with her thanks, saying:
Hi Danna, I want you to know how great you are..... After you left today, Gabe had some food and his bone, then for the very first time ever, he laid down on the floor in the living room with me and fell asleep. I really have to thank you for getting him to relax and those big clumps out of his fur. What a mess! These small steps with Gabe are great. I've tried other trainers and they don't compare.
Sue Ellis, Lynden ON
Cooper came to us reactive on leash to everything, even leaves blowing down the sidewalk. He had submissive peeing issues, proximity issues, crate issues. Basically he had fear of everything! It took me a good 20 minutes just to coax Cooper onto a break crate that was flat on the ground. Once we passed that hurdle, he was up on it every time we passed, even when he wasn't asked. We put many obstacles in Cooper's path that led to walking. Cooper's human sent us this video about one week after his return home. I would say they are both very please with themselves. Cooper wants to participate in agility classes.
Danna, thank you! Cooper is now so good walking on a leash! We went walking, crossing busy roads and he was so calm and sitting when I stop!
Toronto ON
Peace of mind - Jacob my beautiful and active Cane Corso was enrolled in the 3 week Board and Train, still a baby at 1 he was getting bigger and going through a very stubborn I am the boss stage. Dana at Against All Odds, immediately, first day - had him working and calming him down. Prior to training, he would rush past me on stairs and hallways often causing me to worry about falling - no more. The first couple of minutes of walks and during were frustrating - no more. I was educated as well on the difference between being a loving "mother" and being a loving "leader" who was the boss. I attended sessions where I learned correction techniques and we learned together. Dana answered all my questions. Was patient the first week with my "I miss him tears" reminding me that he was making progress. He is home now, and although talks up a storm in protest, while he's doing it (hilarious) he does it, whatever he is told.He understands place and sleeps in his own space. Attending Leader of the Pack, honestly was what we needed, to stop both our frustration in communications. Very successful, tailored to your needs program that produces excellent results
Janice Wilke, Brantford ON
Cyran, a 5 year old Alano Espanol is proving to be the perfect Service dog for her handler. Advanced obedience gives her handler an edge in public access trips. Cyran is one of our greatest success stories. She is so in tune with her handler she start Alerting to medical issues.
“My life has changed for the better. She is such a damn good dog. My life would be empty without her”
Tweed, Ontario