Socialization Daycare
Our Madoc facility offers daily canine daycare. This is a time for the dogs to get a chance to mingle with other dogs. We adhere to strict socialization protocols, where the dogs interact in a manner befitting a cocktail party. This is not a free for all, so if your dog is a little shy around other dogs, he/she will love our controlled structure. If your dog is boisterous, he/she will learn to be calm around other dogs.
Drop off is 8:30 am. Pick up is 5:30 pm Monday to Friday. If this doesn't quite fit your schedule then just ask.
$30/ day or $450 for 20 full day adventures
My dog eats a mid day meal? Yes we will provide a quiet place for your dog to eat and enjoy his/her supplied mid day snack.
Will my dog get exercised? Your dog will get an energetic walk on leash part way through the day, weather permitting.
Will my dog spend time with other dogs? We provide small group socialization sessions depending on size and energy level of dogs.
Will my small dog be around big dogs? We provide separate quarters for large and small breed dogs.
My dog is shy, how will this effect him/her? This is the perfect opportunity to allow your dog to interact with other dogs of appropriate size and energy level. We will advocate for your dog and not allow others to overwhelm him/her, thereby allowing your dog to become accustomed to other dogs with confidence.
For more answers read our Blog on Socialization.