Housekeeping Around Pet
House Keeping With Pets
Air Fresheners
If you’re a pet owner, we’d be willing to bet that you probably use some kind of air
freshener. While they’re great for covering up the lingering effects of pet accidents, air
fresheners contain some pretty harsh ingredients. Formaldehyde and p
dichlorobenzene are just two of the chemicals used in these products that cause
irritation to the eyes, throat and skin and more seriously, are thought to cause cancer.
And those plug in, sold air fresheners? They can be fatal if eaten.
While it can be hard to resist spritzing a smelly room, try filling a small cup with
vinegar and placing it near the olfactory offense. Vinegar is non-toxic and absorbs
odors. If you’d prefer your house not to smell like a salad, you can use baking soda,
which also absorbs odors. Another head’s up since we’re on this topic: a number of
essential oils are lethal to animals, so don’t try to combat a stench with eucalyptus,
lavender, bergamot oils, just to name a few.
Upholstery Cleaners
We’re going to make another bet…that you, our dear pet-owning reader, has used
some kind of upholstery or rug cleaner at some point in your animal’s life. We knew it!
Cleaning barf, pee or poop off of an upholstered surface is just one inevitable fact of
pet ownership. While it’s tempting to try to restore your rug to the state it was in before
you got your puppy, steer clear of certain upholstery cleaners. The ingredients found
in those products can cause nausea, dizziness and disorientation and more seriously,
have been linked to cancer and liver damage. There are some tried and true natural
remedies for spot removal that don’t involve harsh cleaners, which you can easily find
with a quick search. If your rug is in a truly sorry state, try a professional cleaning
service that uses natural products.
Our animals spend most of their waking lives inside of our homes, which toxin-wise,
can sometimes pose more of a threat than the great outdoors. Opting for gentler
household products can make a big difference in the lives of you and your pet. So the
next time Mr. Whiskers barfs his dinner upon the couch, remember to read your labels,
know your product ingredients and consider natural solutions!
We love bleach because it keeps whites white, makes mold disappear in minutes and
reminds us of those long summer days at the pool. However, bleach contains
dangerous compounds that can irritate the eyes, nose and throat when inhaled. Skin
contact with bleach can lead to rashes and burns, and let’s not even talk about what
happens when it’s ingested.
If you love to clean with bleach, dilute it according to the instructions on the bottle and
let the room air out for a couple of hours after cleaning. Keep your pet out of the area
for as long as possible. Also, just because you can no longer smell the bleach doesn’t
mean some of it is not still lingering, so you may want to try a DIY cleaner or a natural
product that is safe to living creatures.
Laundry Detergent
There’s nothing like pulling out a load of warm, clean laundry out of the dryer to make
you feel like a productive human being. As great as that feels, we’re here to tell you
that your typical laundry detergent is not exactly great for you. Most laundry detergent
formulas contain highly concentrated cleaning ingredients to loosen and remove dirt,
grease, fungus and bacteria from clothes. Because the purpose of these ingredients is
to clean, detergent formulas are amazing for human hygiene but never meant for
human ingestion, and can cause nausea, vomiting or worse when consumed.
Ingredients found in traditional detergents are harsh and can cause itching, irritation
and rashes. Because they spend so much time on beds, pillows and blankets, opt for a
natural laundry detergent.